
We spend most of our time working on our customer’s projects. Writing articles for our blog doesn’t come up all that often.


NetQuarry has been used to develop, a software-as-service application that manages stock option expense tracking for the new (as of Jan 1, 2006) FASB 123R accounting rules. The team that built the application (Version 1.0) was composed of 3-4 developers over about a 3 month period.

Web Projects and .NET 2.0

I’ve spent a frustrating day (again) attempting to setup a web project that is a sub-project of our main application. For whatever reason, I can’t reference code in a referenced assembly unless I load it as a control reference and, at least in most cases, copy the referenced assembly to the main /bin folder.

NetQuarry and OptionEase

March 17, 2006 – NetQuarry, Inc. announces that its NetQuarry Enterprise Application Platform has been selected by OptionEase, Inc. of San Juan Capistrano, California, as the development platform for its new OptionEase application.


We”ve spent a bunch of time solving the problem of vocabulary lists for a database application. A vocabulary list is one of those tables that have a key (typically an integer or a GUID) and some text. The “key” (primary key in DBMS-speak) is referenced by a column in a more important table. Most of the time, the end-user selects this key by choosing an item via a drop down list box that has some human readable text and the application stores the item’s “key” into the database. We call the object that solves this problem a Picklist.

Mission Pharmacal Case Study

This document outlines the use of the NetQuarry Enterprise Application Platform to rapidly build a web application to manage the medical meeting (“Trade Show”) process for Mission Pharmacal. Mission Pharmacal ( is a privately held...

NetQuarry Studio

Application Developers build applications by doing one of three primary tasks. First, a developer develops or analyzes the data that is to be used in the application. Second, the developer uses NetQuarry Studio to manipulate meta-data that describes to the NetQuarry runtime how the end application will look and manage the application’s data. Third, any custom business logic is written using any .NET language and IDE (e.g. Visual Studio .NET) to produce focused application extensions.


Keeping at the forefront in any industry requires that companies cannot only imagine great new products, but can get them from the vision stage into full production in the most efficient possible manner. The NetQuarry platform provides an engine for driving innovation, enabling products to be designed quickly, collaboratively, and iteratively.

NetQuarry adds .NET 2.0 Support

November 27, 2005 – NetQuarry, Inc. announces support for the Microsoft .NET 2.0 environment in its NetQuarry Enterprise Application Platform.

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